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Topic: Completely pointless Thought Of The Day thread  (Read 2019777 times)

Salubrious Rex

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apparently in Denmark they have like ten different kinds of milk or milk derivations (that also come in cartons that look the same as milk cartons) available at supermarkets, which must be a nightmare.
A Meat, April 06, 2020, 11:52:22 am

Denmark sounds like my shopping hell, I have trouble finding the right one out of three types of milk.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop A Meat

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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2 percent milk? Whats the other 98, vodka?
chai tea latte


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The proledairyat.
A Meat RoeCocoa Macho Masc Sangy Savage Shell Game


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apparently in Denmark they have like ten different kinds of milk or milk derivations (that also come in cartons that look the same as milk cartons) available at supermarkets, which must be a nightmare.
A Meat, April 06, 2020, 11:52:22 am

going to denmark and mixing all the milks together to make the Elixir of Life
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Salubrious Rex A Meat Yavuz Dr. Buttplug


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I had to buy a way more intense deodorant today than I'd like, but it was either that or stop eating enormous amounts of garlic on a near-daily basis.


  • Its time for limpboys to have their day in the sun
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Sauerkraut Lacroix


  • Its time for limpboys to have their day in the sun
  • Paid
  • Just a Baby Drinkin Coffee
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It would kick ass to be cool and hot without changing any of the things I do or am
Salubrious Rex Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Penultimatum chai tea latte Yavuz Wrought krytton Shigan Mr. Hunky Academia moooo566 (taylor's version) Turbo Sexaphonic Vampire Bunnybread Jr. Dr. Buttplug

Salubrious Rex

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It would kick ass to be cool and hot without changing any of the things I do or am
GirlKisser420, April 09, 2020, 04:15:00 am
Just change what's cool and hot so it's you, easy.

chai tea latte

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It would kick ass to be cool and hot without changing any of the things I do or am
GirlKisser420, April 09, 2020, 04:15:00 am


  • Its time for limpboys to have their day in the sun
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  • Just a Baby Drinkin Coffee
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nice sentiment but its outside of even my power to make reading rpgs on your phone while in the toilet at work cool and sexual and thats pretty much my main thing
Salubrious Rex chai tea latte Penultimatum Yavuz moooo566 (taylor's version) Dr. Buttplug

Seth "Slimy" Rollins

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im pretty sure every human being that's ever lived has thought, at some point, how cool it would be to get really pissed off and kick down a door
Salubrious Rex Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop chai tea latte

chai tea latte

  • TheftBot is, simply put, a fully sentient robot for stealing automatic teller machines
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im pretty sure every human being that's ever lived has thought, at some point, how cool it would be to get really pissed off and kick down a door
Seth "Slimy" Rollins, April 10, 2020, 10:33:32 pm
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

A Meat

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pouring one out for a homie in heaven used to be called libation


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There needs to be more talk of parasocial distancing.
Wrought Penultimatum sambair xX_sp00ks_Xx Frank West Mr. Hunky Academia RoeCocoa chai tea latte


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Now is the time for fat kid vindication, can't get participation trophies if I was too tubby for sports, boomer
Salubrious Rex