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Topic: Honk the Varzandeh alarm! It's time to talk about dreams!  (Read 17292 times)


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Last night I dreamed that I was going out to dinner with a coworker and I still had my car and said coworker decided to drive it to Issaquah and then he got progressively more and more feminine as he got drunker and then I had to drive back to Seattle but I'd forgotten how to drive and I think I was pregnant or something?

junior associate faguar

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So, you know, Tuesday.


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Right. A few of my favorite entries from the dream journal I kept for a while and keep meaning to pick back up:

To begin with, I was in a large valley somewhere in the Forgotten Realms (I guess.) I, incidentally, and all the people there with me were the PCs from [my most recent RPG] there to evacuate the valley from a huge flood. I was paddling around on an overturned table or something looking for a couple of guys who were annoyed at me on a professional level but who I felt needed saving anyway when, at some point, it shifted into the next part of the dream. I was sort of hanging out in a park-like area with [my gaming group] when I was called away to visit the house of Hitler Santa. Yes, you read that right. Just like Santa except with a Hitler mustache instead of the beard and, presumably, a penchant for fascist politics and slaughtering unpopular ethnic groups. I managed to get in well with a maid from his household who agreed to help us bring about his downfall. The dream ended with us going to watch some sort of cutesy animated Christmas special, singing Christmas carols about killing Hitler Santa all the way there. The dream ended with us arguing about whether we would have enough time to watch it all before we had to go to dinner at H.S.’s house and [my sister's ex] retrieving some of her stuff from a tree as well as trading her knife for [my sister]'s because it wouldn’t be as sharp and we… didn’t want to kill him too hard? I don’t know.

The only part I remember of this (man, I’ve got to stop saying that,) is that I was taking care of a baby. Not just a normal baby—that would be far too mundane for my subconscious. Instead, I was taking care of a baby’s severed head that was apparently going to grow a body on this little plastic stick that jutted out from the bottom of its neck. Of course dream-me saw nothing wrong/abnormal with this. Instead, I got out my MP3 player and started listening to music and was so involved with that that I didn’t notice the kid’s head roll off my lap and under the bed until the parents asked me where it was. So I ran back into my room where we’d been and found the head—the skull was cracked in a couple places, but it was still alive—and I was wondering how I’d explain this to the parents when I woke up.

It all started when 13 from House had her flunky (a perky young girl in orange scrubs with random names written on her badge) steal some drugs from House for my character. The only problem with this? Said flunky stole the entire bottle instead of just the few pills that I needed. After a long walking-down-the-hall scene with 13 which culminated in me hanging out in a patient room while Cuddy called 13 into the next one to presumably chew her out for stealing pills for me, I was trying to think of how to get the pills back to House without him noticing when the roof of the next room exploded.
The next thing we knew, I, 13, a couple of random punk kids and (I think) a few members of House’s old team found ourselves in a van, arms chained behind our backs with House’s voice in the background. Apparently the theft had finally caused him to snap and so he’d decided to play some sort of “try to escape before I destroy you all” game before presumably going on to destroy the rest of the world as well. It began with him leaving the doors open, so we immediately booked it for a nearby Smith’s (product placement? In my dream? It’s more likely than you think) for bolt cutters or something akin. While the extremely slow cashier clocked in and such we were running up and down the isles trying to find what we needed when I woke up.


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The Greek Football Association has nominated as the national team coach for their 2014 World Cup campaign.


What do I do? I don't speak Greek. I like soccer, but I can't coach.

Are they even paying me? How do I get time off work?

My neighbour is going to start talking tactics with me 24/7 and pressuring me to select players from his club.

What happens when we lose our first friendly? They're going to be so pissed with the skip running the show.

« Last Edit: May 10, 2014, 08:46:21 pm by Horza »


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I had a similar dream where I was somehow drafted as a backup QB for the Packers. My thoughts kept going between "but I'm a woman" and "but I'm not even good at sports" and "but I hate the Packers". I think I spent most of my dream pretending to warm up so no one would ask me to run through drills with them or anything.

chai tea latte

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I had a dream I was looking in my kitchen for a book of matches. I found them and then woke up.

A Meat

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I dreamed it was tomorrow and I was playing League of Legends really badly while listening to the Mental Illness Happy Hour. I have a feeling it's going to be prophetic.

Goose Goose Honk At Me Now

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I woke up in a cold sweat this morning, hearing my crazy-as-fuck boss's voice telling me, "Well, to make sure you can't bake anything else wrong, I've replaced everything in the kitchen with butterscotch."

Tiny Prancer

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yesterday when walking to somewhere a guy behind me was talking to a friend of his how he'd dreamed that he had the ability to have an early beatles/brady bunch hairstyle, but he couldn't grow it out properly and was also still balding so it just looked super ridiculous, and he spend the rest of the dream trying to find a haircut that would work for him.

He also said he had a lot of dreams about spending hours trying to take off a coat and discovering that it was somehow still on.


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I had a pretty intense blue dream last night.

Tiny Prancer

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I just woke up from a dream where my family bought a new house and was planning to move in, but it also happened to be the childhood home of a friend who did not have a great relationship with their family but had attachments to the house, and also happened to be there while we started messing with the house to make it ours and was obviously upset about it, and I felt really awful because on one hand I really liked the house and was glad to be moving there but on the other hand I knew my friend didn't have a very stable life and the house meant a lot to her, and I felt really tempted to promise her she could stay there if she didn't have anywhere to go, but I also wasn't sure if my parents would be into that idea and knew it was unfair to them to make them take her in.

somehow this dream then shifted into me suddenly transferring schools (and to high school despire the fact I'm in college, because Dream Logic) and it was a overcomplicated dream logic version of a school I went to and hated, and I had no idea where my second class of the day was so I went to the library instead and tried to find books relating to a topic that may or may not have been involved with the first class I went to, and I think I was starting to become involved with some weird conspiracy theory involving the books I was looking for when I woke up.


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A couple night ago I had a dream that I was homeless. so I went to my best friend's house to ask if I could stay with him for awhile in order to get back on my feet. His response was that I could only stay with him if I shaved all the hair off of my body and gave it to him.


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So last night I had this dream about some sort of Miyazaki-esque story about this boy that had to climb down a staircase in an ancient well that lead to the Underworld so he could tell Death something important. There were 108 steps and when he got to each one he had to outsmart some trial that was supposed to determine if he was really dead or not (The trials quite obviously got harder as he descended) and there were all these ghosts and skeletons as he went down farther. The best part was that this girl that was a friend of his insisted on coming with him and they smuggled her past all the ghosts by having her ride piggyback on him and they told all the dead people they were just a single person. It worked because dead people are really stupid and don't remember what living people look like.

I feel like I should do something with this...
« Last Edit: July 08, 2014, 08:01:11 pm by KingKalamari »


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A couple night ago I had a dream that I was homeless. so I went to my best friend's house to ask if I could stay with him for awhile in order to get back on my feet. His response was that I could only stay with him if I shaved all the hair off of my body and gave it to him.
Unicr0n, May 19, 2014, 06:21:57 pm

A, that wasn't a dream, and B, I'm still waiting.

junior associate faguar

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It was election night, and I had won a seat in congress. I walked out as Have A Sad Cum by Death Grips played, and I peeled my face off like a Scooby Doo villain to reveal that I was the devil. Now that I write it out, it sounds like a really weird drug trip, but it all made perfect sense at the time.
chai tea latte