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Topic: Episodes you found hard to get through  (Read 35224 times)

Adam Bozarth

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Episodes you found hard to get through #45
That's why I worry about Seth Romatelli from "Uhh Yeah Dude."

A Meat

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Episodes you found hard to get through #46
It wasn't a whole episode, but I've noticed that whenever someone is talking about how kids are exposed to sex too early, the author always sounds like a barely disguised pedophile. "I'm disgusted with these seven-year-olds shaking their butts on TV, and middle schoolers talking about gangbangs, I mean, not that I'm invested in it or anything..."
Bobalay, May 09, 2014, 07:15:21 pm

I've been sort of assuming that it's also partially teenagers who can't come to term with that fact that kids younger than them are talking about 'mature' things, just like they probably did too when they were that age. I might think that because I actually know some people in real life who think like this, who kind of shame others for not being 'pure' and 'innocent' when it's fucking obvious none of them are.

All in all, I think it falls under the whole fetishization of innocence thing that can way too easily cross the line into some real skeevy shit, but I feel like some of it is done because of adolescent stupidity and arrogance and not pedophilia.


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Episodes you found hard to get through #47
The dickbugs episode was probably the worst for me, being the only one that actually triggered a gag reflex (but only in one part, most was OK). But the "Masturbation Gone Wrong" short was definitely the creepiest and most horrifying, and takes a close second.


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Episodes you found hard to get through #48
My favorite episodes are bad dragon, glasses fetish, and plushies, but as soon as obnoxious tumblr people show up, I make a run for it. I barely made it through childfree hardcore and tropers, and I refuse to touch the unschooling and Sherlock episodes. Asexuals was a "listen once and delete" ep.

I won't even download PUA episodes, mostly because hearing someone argue that women shouldn't be allowed to refuse sex makes me feel slightly unsafe.

The only two exceptions I have are the Fat Activists and Mike Bike, because they're far more absurd than they are cringe-inducing (and the Hunter S. Thompson fanfic is too good to pass up).
« Last Edit: May 12, 2014, 09:26:54 am by Navigator »


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Episodes you found hard to get through #49
I never had any problem with the bug episode.  I thought it was a little gross but by god if it was going to be a tapout episode, I was not going to be the first to slap the mat.  No sir.  The Bad Dragon thing?  That was just fucking hilarious.

Where I was grossed out?  The fuckdolls episode, no doubt about it, nothing was even close.  There were a lot of images and some movies of people doing really gross things from our selections we were reading, and I can't even abide the thought of trying to describe it.  It was gross, I persevered, and I still think a number of people we read need to be punched a few times.  Not to teach them anything, but just to get it out of my system.


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Episodes you found hard to get through #50
Definitely the one episode with that annoying dipshit from Tumblr who was having incestuous astral buttsex with Lucifer or whatever. I actually like the gross-out episodes for the most part.

A Meat

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Episodes you found hard to get through #51
Definitely the one episode with that annoying dipshit from Tumblr who was having incestuous astral buttsex with Lucifer or whatever. I actually like the gross-out episodes for the most part.
JT, May 15, 2014, 04:21:59 am

Shit, I totally forgot about that episode, I hate that person for so many reasons, I just couldn't find that episode enjoyable to listen to. How can you make hell and demons so unmetal?


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Episodes you found hard to get through #52
I love that episode specifically because of how terrible and uncool that person is. The contrast between self-aggrandizing wannabe badassdom and typical Tumblr fragility is just really, really hilarious. And because of how self centered they are you just know they listened to that episode at least once, steaming with anger the whole time.

Tiny Prancer

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Episodes you found hard to get through #53
that episode is honestly one of my favorites because I fucking love that kind of ridiculous bullshit. People making up mountains of obvious bullshit (and on the hugbox community of tumblr, no less) and all the while screaming "TAKE ME SERIOUSLYYYYY" is one of my favorite bits of internet atrocity tourism.

Plague of Hats

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Episodes you found hard to get through #54
I'm one of those special snowflakes who really doesn't get grossed out by just about anything. The reason I tend not to replay the older episodes is because they're not as snappy and funny as the newer stuff. (Except for the Transformers fanscript and the Juggalo double episode. Those will be best forever.)

However, I only recently started listening to Lou Reads, and finally found something that made me a little queasy. The recent-ish "poz my neg hole" episode's loving descriptions of lapping up piss from a dirty urinal did it. I'll probably listen to it again in the future, but that first time through was the only time something like this actually challenged me a little.

Love the podcasts. Hope you guys keep doing them until you've all got grampy-cracky voices.


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Episodes you found hard to get through #55
The religion-based wife-beating episode, "The Beatings Will Continue Until Dinner Improves " With gross outs I can just shrug it off or laugh, most of what those people do is just something they do to themselves, or just imagine in their heads. And for the PUAs, most of them aren't having actual success with women, they're harmful a-holes, sure, but most of them are sexless idiots.

But I'm 100% sure that there are tons of actually married men who abuse their wives and use their fear of God/going against the "Bible" to justify continuing it even when the woman doesn't want it to continue. And that just makes me feel so terrible. Knowing real people are seriously suffering as we speak is pretty difficult to get through.


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Episodes you found hard to get through #56
I found it difficult to get through the weddings episode specifically because of the way the podcast handled it. I don't know, but just the way you guys were continually ripping into the people that had the stupid wedding ideas just rubbed me the wrong way.

I get that they were generic/cringy weddings, but I still thought that some of them didn't sound bad enough to justify how much they were being criticised. At some of them it just seemed like you were just being super critical; FAR more than was deserved by the people who's wedding it was.

Oh, I also had to stop listening to the Paula Deen episode one time because I'd eaten a little bit too much and gone on a bike ride. The combination of that and you guys reading about dorito sandwiches just made me feel physically sick.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2014, 10:04:49 am by JamEngulfer »


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Episodes you found hard to get through #57
Ones I've had issues with that most others haven't: Vore, watersports, the MRA one (which I only managed to actually get through a few months ago, and then only in installments.)

Ones that others have freaked about that I don't find that bad: Fuckdolls, (somehow the idea of fucking a hunk of plastic, however creepy you are about it, doesn't get to me as viscerally as some) both the kinkmeme ones (I just find those funny. )

Ones I'm in agreement on with the majority: Still haven't even dared to start the dickbugs one. Or the adult baby one.

Fatty Bo Batty

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Episodes you found hard to get through #58
Dickbugs is the only one I've had trouble with, and it made me sick. I listen to the podcast on a playlist while writing or drawing, so it breaks the flow to stop an episode, so I don't. 


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Episodes you found hard to get through #59
Well we can add the newest episode to the list.  This is the first time I've squirmed and winced while hearing a reading.  When they did the maggot episode a while back, it didn't bug me (...I just realized what I typed, but I'm not going back) because it was so over the top and ridiculous that it wasn't believable.  But this one, someone did this and it sounded so goddamn awful.  AND THEY WANTED TO DO THIS AGAIN!