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June 03, 2024, 09:57:24 am

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Jun 3 01:32pm
Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Aardvark
Jun 3 11:06am
Usually isekai lets you sidestep the problem (?) of introducing an audience to the fantasy world by having the main character learn what their new world is instead of having grown up there and knowing what it's like already. Which makes it annoying when the main character is reincarnated from the real world into a fantasy as a baby - then the conceit makes no sense.

Though, a couple seasons ago there was one about a princess who died in a fantasy world and came to the real world, went to medical school, died and went back to the fantasy world to save the kingdom with advanced surgical techniques.
Jun 2 02:44pm
Been thinking about isekai again and how few of them actually play off of the structure and  conventions of it as a genre and instead just use it to lazily simplify a fantasy setting.
A Meat, May 31, 2024, 04:32:33 pm

Jun 2 02:43pm
This episode was genuinely a blessing and a gift to find in our inbox.
Jun 2 08:22am
Jun 2 05:42am
I finally remembered to get around to drawing a dragon for you. For some reason that memory to do that came right before going to bed. So here you go. This was my second attempt after deciding I needed to google what a dragon looked like.

Edit: yall prob want the first attempt too right?
Jun 2 04:55am
Dad bought me a "Love is Love" rainbow spatula for Hanukkah one year, which was very cute. I second this suggestion.

Pro tip: if you get gay married, a lot of straight people will buy you more expensive kitchenware too
Jun 2 04:09am
Protip: if you come out, the straight people in your life who aren't assholes will buy you things! Worked for me!

Jun 1 09:13pm

CTRL+V and post it (post #1565)

I think sometimes it can be really hard to be a heterosexual couple early in the relationship living in a studio apartment in Manhattan in a building that’s almost entirely gay men.  Because the older, coupled, gay men always look really happy with their partners in their studio apartments.  The walls are thin and you never hear them fight, but you’re fighting.  And the younger uncoupled gay men are constantly chatting each other up in the elevator, inviting each other to parties, maybe having parties in their solo studio apartment.  So you’re comparing yourself to both these cohorts and coming up short, saying what’s wrong with heterosexuality?  Why can’t we do that?  And then you hang around a little bit and realize for the old guys, it’s that they’re just older and richer, which takes stress off, and they do fight but while on vacation.  The young guys from appearances are just having a great time.  Happy pride
Jun 1 01:45am
Glad this dude's still cookin'. I love a good AO3 cryptid.
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