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October 08, 2024, 03:38:10 am

ballp.it is the community forum for The F Plus.

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Oct 8 03:38am
Has anyone made a superhero called Shotgun Shogun yet? I think there could be something here
Oct 7 09:58pm

Brag about your pets (post #232)

I spent several months in family therapy with my roommates, and had to completely rearrange two rooms in the apartment, but I have finally adopted a new kitty!

Torino is seven months and already nearly nine pounds. I look forward to my large, hairy child getting even larger.

I love himb
Oct 7 09:19pm

Caption reads "YOG, MONSTER FROM SPACE (1970)" but Im pretty sure thats one of those coute cuddly fish.
Oct 7 04:04am
As one of the (many) people responsible for unleashing Spacestation 13 on the world (I was the person that decompiled Exadv1's original version, and worked for quite a while on goonstation), I appreciated the SS13 content in part 1. What an astonishing cluster fuck that game became.
Oct 6 10:52pm
https://www.twitch.tv/thefplus starting in 10 minutes! We're chatting right now though if you want to join!
Oct 6 09:46pm
Oct 6 06:07pm
After checking  stores for months, the hy-vee by me actually had sweetango apples. Grabbing one now and i fully expect a holy experience when eating it.
Oct 6 09:42am
Sucks when you use a perfectly good fake excuse to get out of something and then the thing gets cancelled anyway and you've wasted an excuse.
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