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October 21, 2024, 09:59:44 pm

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Oct 22 02:15am
Tarmac is actually tarmacadam which is tar + macadam, which is a kind of road only without the tar part of the tarmac. This is how they used to insure the quality of macadam:

Size of stones was central to McAdam's road building theory. The lower 8 in (20 cm) road thickness was restricted to stones no larger than 3 inches (7.5 cm). The upper 2-inch-thick (5 cm) layer of stones was limited to stones 2 centimetres (3⁄4 in) in diameter; these were checked by supervisors who carried scales. A workman could check the stone size himself by seeing if the stone would fit into his mouth.
Also macam roads are named like that because McAdam invented them.
xX_sp00ks_Xx, Today at 09:05:49 am

The naming of Macadamia nuts have nothing to do with this, but were named after John Macadam, an Australian chemist.
Oct 21 11:24pm

From Junji Ito's adaptation of Frankenstein
Oct 21 02:05pm
Tarmac is actually tarmacadam which is tar + macadam, which is a kind of road only without the tar part of the tarmac. This is how they used to insure the quality of macadam:

Size of stones was central to McAdam's road building theory. The lower 8 in (20 cm) road thickness was restricted to stones no larger than 3 inches (7.5 cm). The upper 2-inch-thick (5 cm) layer of stones was limited to stones 2 centimetres (3⁄4 in) in diameter; these were checked by supervisors who carried scales. A workman could check the stone size himself by seeing if the stone would fit into his mouth.
Also macam roads are named like that because McAdam invented them.
Oct 21 10:15am
Oct 21 08:04am

Fuck man you all need to get drunk more often or at least share it more often, what the hell?

Anyway I'm drinking too much wine, I'm in the Diadem, I'm listening to Le Tigre, and I'm thinking a lot about drinking tea and drawing at a tea shop late at night. I only miss certain aspects of my 20s, and I'm living a good number of the things I miss right now.
Oct 20 09:21pm
Is that Mick Jagger in the thumbnail?
Oct 20 03:26pm
The Peehole Under The Stairs
Oct 20 10:56am

CTRL+V and post it (post #1602)

On this page, we will regularly post pictures, topics of conversations, memes, and maybe some role-play or fan-fictions about our passion : DIAPERS and everything related to it !!!
More precisely, we will post things about Tarzan when he is a baby (from the 1999 movie by Disney) but that doesn't mean we are close-minded and that we will not post other things ;)

Moreover, we highly recommend you to watch the movie with your own eyes because it’s a masterpiece and a very well written story (of course, we do not encourage the use of illegal streaming).
Thanks again to Disney for having created this work of art !

(Right below, you will find the people that are true friends and that supported us since the beginning of our adventure)

~~~ ~~~ ~~~


Lay is a diapered white wolf and the very first friend I had
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