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July 26, 2024, 07:58:22 pm

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Jul 27 12:26am
My brain still cannot process the nickname "rep" as anything other than "union rep"

also jfc these desperate incels are so easy to sell shit to
Jul 26 10:00pm
these guys are so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so stupid
Jul 26 02:24am
I learned that WW1 started in part because Austria-Hungary wanted a railroad thru Bosnia but only had Ottoman permission to build a road. So the Austro-hungarians decided to just annex Bosnia in 1908.
Jul 25 12:24pm
Beaker and pitcher are doublets, both originating from bicarium, Latin for 'drinking glass', itself probably from a Greek word that meant vase
Jul 23 08:43pm
In cuckolding slang, a hotwife is a woman who can swap partners without rebooting or shutting down between them
Jul 22 09:15pm

CTRL+V and post it (post #1578)

In recent years, the number of fitness and health services have increased, expanding the interest among the population. Today, health clubs and fitness centers are a reference of health services, rising the adherence to physical activity.[1]
Jul 22 09:00pm

CTRL+V and post it (post #1578)

Jul 21 07:44pm
Glad to see Positronic's Cat get their rightful billing once again.
Jul 21 01:29pm

CTRL+V and post it (post #1578)

I watched my neighbours horse once try to scratch its arse on a gate, this broke the gate which in turn spooked the horse and he bolted off, loudly farting every time his back legs kicked up during the gallop. It took me 5mins to recover before I could go tell my neighbours their gate was broken.
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